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A solo maker nowadays has to be a marketer, has to know how to make a product and has to know how to bring it to the market. A combination of skills which is rare, as well as powerful and explosive.

如今,一个单独的制造商必须是营销人员,必须知道如何制造产品,并且必须知道如何将其推向市场。 罕见,强大而易爆的技能组合。

All this must be added the part of the product, and depending on the category it is necessary that the entrepreneur is also a programmer, a writer or have unique skills that distinguish him from everybody else.


One also needs to know in detail how to create a website, how to create a Facebook page, how to use Twitter, how to create an email sequence, details about setting up an ad campaign, and generally everything that we could group under the term “webmaster”.


It is not strictly mandatory for an entrepreneur to know all this, but if in a traditional company there are different people dedicated to each of these tasks I have listed, it is also true that this is not what this post is about. The post deals with the creation of a business where no employees exist other than you.

并非必须让企业家知道所有这些,但是如果在一家传统公司中,有不同的人专门负责我列出的所有这些任务,那么这与这篇文章的目的不无关系。 该职位涉及在您之外没有任何员工的情况下创建公司的业务。

For any task, you can decide to hire external experts as contractors to do the job instead of doing it on your own.


However, this causes the following reflections:


  • it’s a distraction because you have to look for trusted people with the right skills at a price you can afford

  • you have to pay people for their work

  • it becomes an endless tunnel. Technical issues will never end, and you may have to depend for a long time on an outside person who does the job you do not understand because you initially delegated too much and you do not really know how things work

    它变成了无尽的隧道。 技术问题永远不会结束,您可能必须长期依赖做您不了解的工作的外部人员,因为您最初委派的太多,并且您并不真正了解事情的运作方式
  • ask yourself what happens if for a technical part you’ve delegated, suddenly your referring person is no longer available

  • many of these jobs should be part of your core business, which only you can manage 100%


In general, if you do not know how to do something, but you need to have it done, you will have to pay someone to do so.


In the next chapters of this post you will have a general overview of everything you need, and from there you can start to get into the details.


I was born programmer and over time I had to develop marketing knowledge for necessity. If you have more soft skills than technical ones, you can do the opposite. There is no need to be great experts, there are many tools available to make perfect websites and landing pages without having to touch a line of code.

我出生于程序员,随着时间的流逝,我不得不发展市场营销知识。 如果您的软技能比技术技能更多,则可以相反。 不需要优秀的专家,有许多工具可以制作完美的网站和登录页面,而无需触摸一行代码。

But beware: you have to understand that everything you do not know right now - and that it is crucial to the success of your business - must be learned perfectly, to avoid the risk that your product and brand will be perceived as unmanaged, amateurish or unattractive.


Either you do it, or you’ll have to pay money to someone else to do it. So the decision is to invest the time needed to learn the techniques or to spend money to get the benefit of industry professionals.

您要么这样做,要么您必须付钱给别人来做到这一点。 因此,决定是花费时间来学习技术或花钱以使行业专业人士受益。

My recommendation is to learn everything that is needed because the techniques change but the concepts are evergreen, and because you can’t delegate to others things that are the foundation of your business. And even if you decide to delegate, you can’t delegate something too vague. If you understand the subject you will know perfectly what you need, and what is superfluous or not needed at all.

我的建议是学习所有必要的知识,因为技术不断变化,但概念却是常青树,并且因为您不能将其他事情作为业务的基础,也不能委托给他人。 即使您决定委派,也无法委派过于模糊的内容。 如果您理解主题,您将完全知道您需要什么,什么是多余的,或者根本不需要。

您自己的平台 (Your own platform)

Your platform can have different looks, may be similar to the platforms used by others, or it may be something unique, never seen before. There is no rule saying that the platform must use a particular type of software. It could be a blog, a static site, a forum.

您的平台可能具有不同的外观,可能与其他平台所使用的平台相似,或者可能是独一无二的,以前从未见过。 没有规则说平台必须使用特定类型的软件。 它可以是博客,静态站点,论坛。

What matters is that your platform meets some key features:


  • You must have complete freedom over it

  • You have to be able to contact your users whenever you want

  • You must be able to extract all the data from this platform as and whenever you want

  • you do not have to be at the mercy of others’ decisions


Over the last 20 years, many things have changed, but there are some constants that have not changed and we can assume they will not change for a long time.


I would like to focus on two things in particular: your website and your email list.


你的网页 (Your website)

Your site is the operational center. Your platform, your headquarters. Everything should bring you to your site. Your Facebook page, YouTube channel, Twitter, your guest posts on other blogs, and the content you stream, all are tools to advertise the content of your site.

您的站点是运营中心。 您的平台,您的总部。 一切都会带您到您的网站。 您的Facebook页面,YouTube频道,Twitter,其他博客上的来宾帖子以及您流式传输的内容都是用来宣传您的网站内容的工具。

The website can be made with any technology you want, it does not matter, provided that


  • it’s on a domain of your property

  • you can change each detail as desired


I would not recommend creating your website on other people platforms like WordPress.com (the “hosted” version of WordPress), Blogspot, Squarespace, Tumblr, Medium.


I’m telling you to avoid managed and hosted services by others because they will limit you in the future, and in the same way as I have previously described on the platforms of others, you will be tied to decisions and changes of others.


For example, if you decide one day to add an eCommerce section to your site, with most of the listed services you can’t, you will need to host your eCommerce on another platform (eg Shopify).


Where should I build my site?


If you are a technical user you already have your own preferences, but if you’re in the early stages, go straight to WordPress.org, which unlike WordPress.com - the commercial counterpart - offers much more freedom but requires more technical knowledge to use it. This is the most common choice and you will always find someone who can help you to use it, and for whatever you need, there will be a plugin to install. While from the point of view of graphics, there is a virtually infinite choice for every kind of site.

如果您是技术用户,则已经拥有自己的喜好,但是如果您还处于初期阶段,请直接转到WordPress.org,它与WordPress.com(商用交易方)不同,它提供了更多的自由度,但是需要更多的技术知识才能用它。 这是最常见的选择,您总会找到可以帮助您使用它的人,并且无论您需要什么,都将需要安装插件。 从图形的角度来看,每种站点实际上都有无限的选择。

Depending on the case, the content of the site, and its organization will vary greatly. I can’t really go too far into the details in this post, so I’ll speak in general terms.

根据情况的不同,网站的内容及其组织也会有很大差异。 我真的不能太过深入地讨论这篇文章中的细节,所以我将以笼统的方式讲。

On your site, you will have content of various types. It could be a blog, so a series of posts. You could also have a simple presentation page of yourself, or the description of the products you sell, or even an e-commerce.

在您的网站上,您将拥有各种类型的内容。 它可能是一个博客,所以会有一系列的帖子。 您还可以拥有一个简单的演示页面,或者您所销售产品的描述,甚至是电子商务。

Visitors may come from search engines, AdWords or Facebook advertising campaigns, or from other platforms on which you’ve placed a base, like YouTube and Pinterest. I like to think of the website as the main stronghold, and every single platform you use, of strategic locations. You will have, for example, the Facebook and Twitter and AdWords locations, whose task is to make people come to your site, each with its own peculiarities.

访客可能来自搜索引擎,AdWords或Facebook广告活动,也可能来自您奠定基础的其他平台,例如YouTube和Pinterest。 我喜欢将网站视为战略要地的主要据点和您使用的每个平台。 例如,您将拥有Facebook,Twitter和AdWords位置,其任务是使人们进入您的网站,每个人都有其独特之处。

On your site, people will come to know you, your business, your products, and it’s crucial to push these people to join your email list.


您的电子邮件清单 (Your email list)

If you are not already familiar with the email list concept, you may be wondering why in the era of Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter, you still need to use an old style system like email.


In fact, an email is a fundamental tool for any online business.


Sending emails to a list of customers is not a system by which people spam, as you might be thinking, instead, it’s a system where people interested in your content or products can have more information about them, or about new products that you could provide in the future.


Email marketing is one of the most effective systems with which people are converted over time from visitors to customers, but not only: people in your list have explicitly asked to receive more information from you in the future.


This does not mean sending an email after 8 months asking them to buy your new product, but the right way to approach this is to ask yourself how you can help your customers.


Through the list you build over time loyalty customers, you create a relationship, you keep in touch. Your task with the list is to train people on the subject you are talking about, to give you anticipations about the upcoming news, but try to keep the focus on the customer rather than on you, as a person will not be in your list forever, but as long as you will be able to keep your interest high.

通过建立随着时间的忠诚客户建立的列表,创建关系,保持联系。 该列表的任务是培训您正在谈论的主题的人员,以使您对即将到来的新闻有所期待,但请尝试着眼于客户而不是您,因为一个人不会永远出现在您的列表中,但只要您能够保持较高的兴趣即可。

How do you get a person to join the list in the first place? With a small gift, called the lead magnet, which can be for example a report, a free ebook, exclusive access to premium content, an email course, or really any gift you can make that can be sent as a file.

您如何首先让一个人加入列表? 使用称为铅磁铁的小礼物,例如可以是报告,免费电子书,对高级内容的专有访问权,电子邮件课程,或者实际上可以制成的任何礼物都可以作为文件发送。

The concept is simple, but it is crucial that the gears that make up this mechanism are calibrated to perfection and oiled regularly, nothing can be left to chance if you do not want to be amateurish in the eyes of your customers.


It’s fundamental that you offer people what they want.


The email list is considered by most online business owners as the most important asset of a business, and the only one that really is 100% yours.


列表的典型用法 (The typical use of a list)

Let’s make an example. This is the system that most successful blogs use: you reach their site coming from search engines or Facebook, a popup appears (more or less invasive) with the request to enter your email to have a small gift, you’ll get the gift via email and you’ll enter this cycle where you will be offered a variety of products over time.

让我们举个例子。 这是大多数成功的博客使用的系统:您访问来自搜索引擎或Facebook的网站,出现弹出窗口(或多或少具有侵入性),并要求输入电子邮件以获取小礼物,您将通过电子邮件,您将进入此周期,随着时间的推移,您将获得各种各样的产品。

Usually, entering the list goes into a phase called funnel. The funnel is an automated process of warming, that is, you get “heated” and brought from being a random visitor to becoming a possible customer via a series of emails.

通常,输入列表会进入一个称为“漏斗”的阶段。 漏斗是自动加热的过程,也就是说,您会“变热”,并从成为随机访问者开始,通过一系列电子邮件成为可能的客户。

As soon as you sign up you will receive an email, the next day you will receive another, after 3 days another one, all according to a predetermined logic. Typically, these e-mail series terminate after 7-8 emails where a story is told and in the end, you will be offered a product to purchase. If you do not buy right away, emails will continue to flow, and so until the automated sequence ends.

注册后,您将立即收到一封电子邮件,第二天,又是三天后,您将收到另一封电子邮件,所有电子邮件均符合预定的逻辑。 通常,这些电子邮件系列会在讲完故事的7至8封电子邮件后终止,最后,您将获得购买产品的机会。 如果您不立即购买,电子邮件将继续流通,直到自动序列结束为止。

There are many kinds of different sequence types, and usually, people do not invent anything, but rather have well-tested systems (which you can easily recognize once you are trained).


Once this sequence is over, your email is placed in another sequence, or in the general list, which is no longer automated, but who is behind this list will send you an update email from time to time, say once a month, to make sure you don’t forget about them.


In short, the author of the list tries to sell a product but if you do not buy it, you will still remain in the list until you cancel the subscription, because in the future you could decide to buy and become a customer.


What happens if you buy the proposed product? It depends on how the list has been set, but you will generally go into a second funnel, which then proposes another more expensive product, and so on.

如果购买拟议产品会怎样? 这取决于列表的设置方式,但是通常您将进入第二个渠道,然后提出另一个更昂贵的产品,依此类推。

I use lists in a lighter way: I have ebooks as lead magnets which I provide if you accept to join my weekly email list, and I generally ask after a couple days if you liked it. If I have an “upsell” like a paid course on the topic, I mention it.

我使用清单的方式比较轻松:如果您接受加入我的每周电子邮件清单,我会提供一些电子书作为铅磁铁,并且通常会在几天后询问您是否喜欢它。 如果我有类似该主题的付费课程的“追加销售”,我会提及。

Otherwise, you are going to be added to my weekly newsletter, which is a collection of all the blog posts I write in the last 7 days.


您如何使用电子邮件列表 (How can you use the email list)

Of course, there are several approaches to the list. Let’s see some situations that you could apply in your case.

当然,列表有几种方法。 让我们看看您可以在案例中应用的一些情况。

如果您出售电子书 (If you sell ebook)

Your users are therefore your readers. You could put a link to your site, where as the lead magnet you use a free ebook, on a topic which you know that the user is interested in. On the list, you could initially make an upsell of other ebooks you’ve already written, and then insert the person into your monthly, bi-weekly or weekly email, where you’ll publish interesting links to the topic, and from time to time promote your new ebooks.

因此,您的用户就是您的读者。 您可以在您知道用户感兴趣的主题上放置指向您的站点的链接,在其中您可以使用免费的电子书作为铅磁铁。在列表上,您可以最初对已经在购买的其他电子书进行追加销售撰写,然后将该人插入您的每月,每两周或每周的电子邮件中,您将在其中发布指向该主题的有趣链接,并不时地宣传您的新电子书。

如果您销售产品 (If you sell a product)

For an info product, it’s just as written above as a typical example used on blogs. Maybe as the lead magnet, you use one or more chapters, or you have a video or something else related to the subject.

对于信息产品,就像上面写的博客中使用的典型示例一样。 也许作为主角,您使用了一个或多个章节,或者有视频或与主题相关的其他内容。

如果您有软件产品 (If you have a software product)

The list could be made by all the people who bought your software if you sell them directly, and then you have their email, or you may want to sign up for your application. You could use the list to sell updates, inform about the latest releases, cross-promote with other developers and raise awareness on new products you’ll build over time.

如果您直接销售软件,然后又收到他们的电子邮件,或者您可能希望注册您的应用程序,则购买该软件的所有人都可以列出此清单。 您可以使用该列表来出售更新,了解最新版本,与其他开发人员进行交叉推广以及提高对随着时间的推移将要开发的新产品的认识。




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